The founding document of the Casino Maltese is dated 1st March 1852. From its earliest years until today, many of its members have played leading roles in Maltese society. The Club's motto is 'Omnibus Idem', and its main purpose is to cater for the social gathering and entertainment of its members.
The Club first occupied different premises on Valletta’s main thoroughfare and was called ‘Casino della Borsa’ when it used the piano nobile of the Chamber of Commerce’s Exchange Building. The Club was located at its current premises on Strada Reale (today Republic Street) between 1859 and 1877, and then again from the first years of the twentieth century onwards.
An illustrated book on the history of the Casino Maltese can be purchased from the Club.

Eighteenth Century
The building was used as the 'Casa del Commun Tesoro' (the Treasury) by the Order of St John.
In the 1880s, the premises were turned into the Grand Hotel.

Nineteenth Century
The Chief Secretary's office and the Treasury, as well as the Post Office, were located in this building during the first half of the nineteenth century.

Twentieth Century
The Casino Maltese was established at its current premises in 1904. However its connections with the building stretch back to the 1850s.